The most anticipated feature has just arrived on the latest version of Instagram app for Android. Yes! Data Saver feature. Many users have been waiting for this feature for years now, and finally it's here.
We all know Instagram is a data sucking app with its high resolution video playing quality and photos. Instagram has released a new feature called Data Saver to help you minimize cellular data on the app.
This feature is currently available to all Android users. iOS users should expect the feature anytime soon.
How Does Instagram Data Saver Works?
Instagram pre-loads videos so they can start playing immediately you scroll to them. Also, all media (videos and pictures) will be displayed in high resolution quality. Now, to reduce the amount of cellular data the Instagram app uses, you can choose not to have Instagram pre-load videos over cellular connections.
How To Enable Data Saving Mode On Instagram
✹Update your Instagram app to the latest version on Playstore.
✹Go to your Profile tab.
Account >
Cellular Data Use
✹Under Use Less Data, toggle on
Data Saver.
Aside that, you can also choose whether you want Instagram to show you High resolution media on your Android device.
To do that, tap on High Resolution Media and then tap on any of the following options:-
Never: Instagram will never you show you high resolution media.
WiFi Only: Instagram will only show you high resolution media if your device is connected to WiFi.
Cellular + WiFi: Instagram will show you high resolution media when your device is connected to either cellular data or WiFi.
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With this, we can now spend more time on Instagram without our data zapping. Actually, this feature is being targeted to countries with poor network speed unlike other countries with super-fast network speed.
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